John W. Cazzell, a prosperous general agriculturist residing upon Section 28, township 52, range
18, Chariton County, Missouri, is an energetic, enterprising and popular citizen, satisfactorily
discharging his duties as Justice of the Peace and Notary Public, and most efficiently transacting his
public business as Collector of the township. Our subject was born in the good old state of
Kentucky, January 17, 1844. His father, John (Henry) Cazzell, was a native of West Virginia, and
was born December 27, 1818. He is yet living and resides in Indian Territory. The mother of our
subject, Mrs. Jane Cazzell (Almyra Jane Wamsley), was born in La Fayette County, Kentucky, in
the year 1820, and passed away in 1875.
Unto John and Jane Cazzell were born thirteen children; William F. (deceased); Elizabeth, now
Mrs. Bullock; John W., our subject; and and America (deceased); James; George and Nancy M.
(deceased)' Sarah A., now Mrs. William M. Morrison; Lourana, now Mrs. John Avery; Henry H.;
Benjamin; and Joseph (deceased).
Our subject was but eight years of age when his parents removed from Kentucky to Ohio, where
they resided for two years, in the Spring of 1855 locating in Missouri. They made their journey
hither by water, landing at Glasgow, and from there came direct to Chariton County, which they
made their permanent home. John W. received his primary education in the schools of Kentucky,
Ohio and Missouri, and assisted his father in the agricultural duties of the farm. When the father,
mother and children arrived in their Missouri home, the father had just one dollar with which to begin
life here. Nearly two score years have passed since upon April 3, 1855, the Cazzells settled in
Chariton County, where the father met with success and from his very small beginning amassed a
comfortable competence. Our subject owns two hundred and forty-two acres of valuable land,
eighty acres of which he has bought under a high state of improvement, the homestead annually
yielding an excellent and profitable harvest.
In 1866, John W. Cazzell and Sarah W. Price were united in marriage. Mrs. Cazzell was a
native of North Carolina and for some time previous to her marriage a resident of Missouri. She
was a widow, Mrs. Alexander Price, when our subject made her acquaintance. The union was
blessed by the birth of two children, John W. Jr. and William (deceased). Mr. Cazzell and his wife
are valued members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are among the active workers of that
religious organization. The family are also widely known as interested in the social and benevolent
enterprises of their locality and are ever ready to assist in the promotion of all matters tending to the
elevation and betterment of humanity. In the troublous times of the Civil War, Mr. Cazzell served
bravely for three years in the Federal service, and from January 20, 1862, until February 20, 1865,
was constantly exposed to privations and danger and actively participated in several hard-fought
battles and was present at the encounters of Kirksville, Missouri and Fayette, also engaging in
numerous skirmishes with the bushwhackers. The war ended, our subject returned again to the
peaceful life of a farmer, after three years of faithful service in the behalf of national existence, having
just attained his majority one month before his honorable discharge from the Federal Army. As was
the ardent and patriotic young boy, so is the adult man, an earnest true and public-spirited American
citizen, highly respected by the entire community among whom he passes his useful and honored life.
Politically, Mr. Cazzell is an ardent advocate of the Republican Party. Besides his other offices of
trust he has for some time occupied a leading position as a valued member of the School Board, and
wise suggestion and prompt action has materially assisted in the upward progress of the district
schools. A friend of education, the interest of youth of his locality may be safely intrusted to his
fostering care. Always busy, cheerful and courteous, our subject winds his upward way, and, a man
of upright character, rests secure in the confidence and regard of a host of friends."